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Be Your Authentic Self: Celebrating Immigration Heritage Month

June is Immigration Heritage Month, and as we continue our “Be Your Authentic Self” series, we honor immigrants’ culture, experiences, and their important contributions to our society. During this month, we celebrate the story of Shirley Chugani, RN Care Coordination Manager. At Harbin Clinic, we know that when we bring our authentic selves to work, we connect with others in a genuine way that boosts engagement, productivity and enhances our colleagues’ ability to care completely for one another and, most importantly, our patients. 

Born and raised in Zambia, Africa, Shirley shares how her immigration experience impacts her life and how it helped shape her into the person she is today.  

“My grandparents were immigrants themselves who came from India in 1947. I came to the United States when I was 18 years old for college and landed in Detroit,” she explains. 

Once she arrived, she hopped on a Greyhound bus and went straight to school to further her education. Shirley shares that her experience as an immigrant has had a profound effect on her, both personally and professionally.

“My heritage and experience have taught me how to adapt quickly and overcome challenges in creative ways,” says Shirley. 

She shares that because she’s an immigrant, change and starting over doesn’t scare her, “To me, these represent opportunities that provide growth. I am forever grateful for the opportunities I have worked hard to achieve.”

Shirley’s story is an inspiring reminder to celebrate our differences and learn more about each other’s unique experiences. Thank you for caring completely.  

Published June 30, 2021

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