Spider Veins

Spider veins are a smaller version of varicose veins that typically appear on the legs and face.

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They involve the capillaries, the smallest blood vessels in the body. Spider veins are usually red or blue and may look like a spider web or tree branch.

They typically pose no health hazard, but can sometimes cause dull aching in the legs after prolonged standing.




  • Do not sit or stand for long periods of time. Being in one position for an extended period of time can place pressure on veins. Change positions every 30 minutes to increase blood flow.
  • Avoid excessive heat. The heat associated with long hot baths and hot tubs will actually increase vein swelling and lead to blood pooling.
  • Avoid overly restrictive clothing. Clothing around specific body parts, including waist, legs and the groin area, can restrict circulation and lead to spider and varicose veins.



Researchers do not know the exact cause of spider veins. However, heredity, heredity, pregnancy, trauma, aging, sun damage and hormonal influences are thought to be primary factors contributing to the condition.


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