Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation

CES is Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation, a medical treatment using small currents of electricity for the treatment of depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Without the use of medication, you can achieve a state of relaxation, peace of mind, and restful sleep.

Research has found the electrical activity in your brain controls the neurochemicals regulating your moods, emotions, sleep, and cognition. Stress causes that electrical activity to function improperly, causing neurochemicals to fall out of balance. By indirectly stimulating brain tissue in the hypothalamic area, CES causes the brain to restore the various neurochemicals back to pre-stress balance, resulting in a peaceful, centered, and efficient state of being.

CES is safe and effective. Most people experience results within just a few days. The relaxed-but-alert state usually remains for an average of 12 to 72 hours after the first few sessions. CES can be used as much or as often as you desire.

Contact us today to learn more about how much better you can feel with Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation.

The CES Experience

What Can You Expect When You Experience CES for Yourself?

The first thing you’ll notice about using the CES Ultra is a pleasant tingling sensation and the feeling of gradual relaxation that comes with Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES). Within the first two to three days, you’ll enjoy better sleep patterns, falling asleep quicker at night with fewer waking periods, and awakening in the morning feeling rested. You’ll also notice an elevation in your mood and being prone to less nervous energy and frenetic behavior, if those symptoms have been present.

By the end of the first week, you can expect a pleasant, detached state and quieting of the mind with better impulse control and a greater sense of balance, centeredness, and calm. You’ll also experience fewer episodes of irrational anger, irritability, depression, and mood swings. By weeks two and three, mental confusion will diminish. You’ll notice heightened clarity, alertness, and ability to focus. Your ability to concentrate on tasks will improve, you’ll learn at an accelerated rate, and you’ll be back to your normal state of information recall.


  • Pleasant tingling sensation
  • Gradual relaxation


  • Normalization of sleep patterns
  • Decreased nervous energy and frenetic behavior
  • Faster onset of sleep on going to bed
  • Feeling of being rested on waking in the morning
  • Elevation of mood
  • Fewer and shorter periods of waking at night


  • Diminished depression and mood swings
  • Fewer episodes of irrational anger and irritability
  • Improved impulse control
  • Greater sense of balance, centeredness, and calm
  • A pleasant, detached state and quieting of the mind


  • Diminished mental confusion
  • Heightened clarity and alertness
  • Improved task concentration
  • Normalized information recall
  • Heightened ability to focus
  • Increased mental energy
  • Accelerated learning

Relief from Stress, Anxiety, Depression, and Insomnia with the CES Ultra

Get relief from your depression, anxiety, and insomnia easily, and with no side effects – with the CES ULtra. The CES Ultra, registered as a medical device with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), uses Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation to help you relax, sleep well, and enjoy peace of mind. CES therapy has been in use since the 1950s and is well-researched for its effectiveness.


CES therapy is simple and easy. The CES Ultra is the most user-friendly CES device on the market. Enjoy the gentle massage-like action and pleasant tingling sensation. You have one-touch control of the unit at all times.

  • Simple to operate
  • Automatic shut-off
  • Push-button timer
  • Single-control setting
  • Comfortable ear-clips or pre-gelled electrodes
  • Rugged construction
  • Fitted carrying case
  • Compact portability for hand-held use or carrying in a pocket
  • Low-battery indicator
  • Uses a standard 9-volt battery

Compare CES Ultra with the Competition

Of all units currently on the market, the CES Ultra is the most user-friendly, compact, and easy-to-use. Only the CES Ultra has the configuration featured in most independent research on CES-including the Harvard School of Public Health Meta-Analysis. Unlike other CES units, the CES Ultra is amazingly affordable.

The CES Ultra Kit

About the size of a cell phone, you can use the CES Ultra almost anywhere to bring you relief from depression, anxiety, and insomnia. The base unit and all its accessories fit into the attractive, convenient carrying case.


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