Links and Resources

Dosage Guides for Over the Counter Medicines

Dosage Guide for Tylenol & Motrin

Dosage Guide for Tylenol & Motrin (Spanish)

Acetaminophen – American Academy of Pediatrics

Ibuprofen – American Academy of Pediatrics

Breastfeeding Resources is a website that provides information and support to mothers who wish to breastfeed after breast or nipple surgery.  is a great resource for videos and animations hopes to help empower women to choose to breastfeed and to educate society at large about the importance and benefits of breastfeeding.

Although many medications pass into breast milk, most have little or no effect on infant well-being or milk supply. Find out more about medications and breastfeeding here.

The mission of La Leche League is to help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother. was created to improve the Nation’s health by working collaboratively to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding.

Visit to learn more about foods & herbs that can enhance milk production.

Working Mothers: Breastfeeding and the Law


Visit Harbin Clinic Pediatric Care to learn more information.

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