Lactation Services

Feeling a little overwhelmed with this whole breastfeeding thing? You’re not the only one. Here’s a little secret, it isn’t always easy. Sure, it’s natural, but it doesn’t always feel that way. So if it’s taking a bit for you and baby to get the swing of things, no worries. Our lactation nurses have a few tricks up their sleeves that might make this natural, healthy, cost-effective way to feed your baby just a little easier.


  • You are expecting, and plan to breastfeed your baby
  • Your baby is unable to latch or latch properly
  • You are supplementing with formula or pumped milk
  • You are experiencing sore nipples or breasts
  • You are a first-time mother or a mother of a NICU or premature baby
  • You are experiencing low milk supply
  • The infant is experiencing weight loss
  • You are using nipple shields or a Supplemental Nursing System
  • You’ve had previous history of lactation problems
  • You’ve had breast surgery or have experienced infertility
  • If your milk has not come in 3 to 5 days after delivery
  • Your baby does not have at least four wet and three dirty diapers by day four of life

Harbin Clinic Lactation Services are available to all Harbin Clinic Pediatrics patients. Our lactation nurses work closely with you to provide breastfeeding education and support. This service is offered in a comfortable and private environment right within our offices.

We encourage all mothers who have questions or concerns regarding breastfeeding to speak with their pediatrician about our lactation services.


Visit Harbin Clinic Pediatric Care to learn more information or to schedule a consultation.

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