Joint Replacement

Click on the videos below to learn more

Partial Hip Replacement

Total Hip Replacement

Anterior Hip Replacement

Partial Knee Replacement

Total Knee Replacement

Revision Knee Replacement

When severe pain or joint damage limits your daily activities, joint replacement might be your best option to get your life back.  Replacing a joint can relieve pain and help you move and feel better. Most often, hip and knee joints are replaced, though other joints can be replaced as well.

At the forefront of joint replacement solutions, our experienced orthopedic surgeons evaluate conditions caused by arthritis, injuries, genetics, and general wear-and-tear to determine the best course of treatment. After all types of treatment have been explored without success, including physical therapy and medications, surgery may be the answer.

Common symptoms that joint replacement candidates may experience are severe joint pain, stiffness, limping, muscle weakness, limited motion, and swelling.

Restoration of Motion and Function

Joint replacement surgery replaces the damaged cartilage and any associated loss of bone structure. The procedure itself involves resurfacing the damaged joint and relies on the patient’s muscles and ligaments for support and function. The replacement joint is made of titanium, cobalt chrome, stainless steel, ceramic material, and polyethylene (plastic). It can be affixed to the bone with acrylic cement or it can be press-fit, which allows the bone to grow into the implant. Once the replacement joint is in place, its motion and function are restored through physical therapy.

Joint Replacement Procedures

If surgery is required, you can entrust your care to a surgical team with extensive joint replacement experience. These procedures include:




Visit Harbin Clinic Orthopedics to learn more information.

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