Why Harbin Clinic Wears Pink

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and at Harbin Clinic, we’re proud to support this important cause. Harbin Clinic Oncologist Dr. Gregory Harris shares that every two minutes, a woman in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer. It is now the 2nd leading cause of death from cancer among women in the United States, and it is estimated that 2,800 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year alone. Harbin Clinic employees are wearing pink this month, sharing why we wear pink and the importance of early detection. Wearing pink is a way we can memorialize, honor and raise awareness about breast cancer. But as a community, let’s do more than just wear pink this October:
- Let’s commit to doing a breast self-exam once a month.
- Let’s commit to scheduling a mammogram every year if over 40 years old.
- Let’s commit to keeping annual doctor’s appointments that include a breast exam.
- Let’s commit to talking with loved ones about early detection and prevention of breast cancer.
- Let’s commit to donating to causes that are funding research and providing essential services.
Here are a few of the stories from Harbin Clinic employees about why they wear pink and how they are committed to inspiring others to take charge of their breast health.
CEO Kenna Stock wears pink in remembrance of her mother whom she lost at age ten. Because breast cancer has been a part of her story from an early age, Kenna wears pink for her past, but also for her present and future. Wearing pink is a commitment for herself and for her adult children that awareness and careful surveillance in combination with the ever-evolving cancer research, might allow her grandchildren a future where breast cancer is seen as a highly-curable disease.
Harbin Clinic Director of Operations Sandy Smith wears pink in memory of her sister who fought breast cancer for eight years and died at age fifty, leaving behind a legacy of courage and love. Sandy also wears pink as a commitment to remind herself and her community that breast cancer can affect anyone regardless of age, gender or race.
General Surgeon Dr. Paul Brock wears pink for his wife and daughters in the hopes they never get breast cancer. He also wears pink in memory of his grandmother and patients who have died of breast cancer and in honor of his patients battling breast cancer today. Just as he encourages his patients and family, he wears pink to encourage you to commit to talking with your primary care doctor about your potential risk of breast cancer.
Cancer survivor and Harbin Clinic Imaging Rome employee, Linda Timms, wears pink as a symbol of hope and survival for those who are fighting breast cancer. She also wears pink to encourage others to commit to scheduling mammograms and performing self-examinations. She’s dedicated to encouraging others to take early detection seriously this October.
Harbin Clinic Cancer Center Coordinator and Director of Operations Janice Hopkins wears pink as a reminder that breast cancer can affect anyone. She is encouraging others to be proactive in their breast health and to inspire more people to share the message of early detection.
Help us spread the word and join us by committing to regular exams and mammograms, speaking with loved ones about early detection and supporting organizations that provide essential services.