Wear Red for Women Friday, February 3

February is National Heart Month, and on Friday, February 3, we’re wearing red to raise awareness for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women. Although heart disease is sometimes thought of as primarily impacting men, in the United States, almost as many women as men die each year of heart disease. Women’s heart disease and heart attack symptoms can sometimes differ from men’s, which increases their chances of delayed treatment and complications.
The American Heart Association emphasizes that cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of women, resulting in 1 in 3 deaths each year.
Women don’t always display the classic signs of a heart attack when in distress. Chest pain and discomfort are common signs of heart attack for men and women, but women may also experience shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, extreme fatigue, jaw and back pain and indigestion.
“Women are just as vulnerable as men to cardiovascular disease,” says Dr. Maxwell Prempeh, cardiologist at Harbin Clinic Cardiology Cartersville and Acworth. “By scheduling regular screenings and adopting healthy lifestyle choices, many complications from this disease are preventable.”
It is important to know your family’s health history so that you are aware of any increased possibilities of developing heart disease at an earlier age. Other things you should be aware of are consistent pain or unusual symptoms that develop like jaw pain mentioned above.
The American Heart Association and Harbin Clinic encourage everyone to Wear Red for Women on Friday, February 3rd!
By wearing red, you support those fighting cardiovascular disease, raise awareness and serve as a motivator of change in improving women’s lives globally.
To learn more about the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Change movement, visit: https://www.goredforwomen.org/en/