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Our New Year’s Resolution: Helping You Achieve Yours

With a new year comes a renewed energy to invest in yourself, your health and your future. At Harbin Clinic, our New Year’s resolution is to help you achieve yours.

Sometimes it’s clear how to achieve your goals. Sometimes the path is a little more complex. Regardless of where you are starting, Harbin Clinic is here to support you every step of your journey. With a network of expert primary care and specialty providers dedicated to helping you tackle challenges along the way, we care completely for where you are now and where you want to be.

Whether you’re aiming to be more active, change up your nutrition or prioritize your mental health, Harbin Clinic is here to help you establish your goals and build a plan to execute and achieve them.

Many of these discussions start with a primary care provider. With regular consultations and lab work, our physicians can share valuable insights aligned with your health goals and specific medical needs.

They are also prepared to monitor your progress, applying their comprehensive knowledge of your health and knowing when to collaborate or refer to other specialties if necessary. For example, your primary care practitioner will know when to encourage you to see physical therapy for movement or endocrinology for diabetes/glucose management.

So, what are your goals this year? For many Americans, health goals still make the top of the list for New Year’s resolutions. Here are a few common resolutions and ways Harbin Clinic can help.

Exercise more

Whether trying to kickstart a consistent exercise habit or step up your strength, regular exercise is an excellent way to improve overall well-being and impact your Core 4. It strengthens the heart muscle, makes blood vessels more flexible, builds good cholesterol and lowers glucose levels.

Still, knowing where to begin can feel daunting. Enlisting the guidance of a physician can be instrumental to ensuring a safe and tailored approach for your unique needs and body composition.

Eat Healthier / Maintain Healthy Weight

If you just finished off the last of the sugar plums and figgy pudding and you’re ready to start fresh, Harbin Clinic is here to help. Smart nutrition choices not only improve your overall health, but they reduce your risk of developing several diseases. Good nutrition means getting the necessary nutrients needed to fuel your body and brain.

This year, you might be looking to add healthy food to your diet, but you also might be looking to tailor your nutrition to maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

At Harbin Clinic Weight Management, our internal medicine physicians and dietitians emphasize that obesity is not a result of poor food choices or lack of exercise alone. Obesity is a complex disease resulting from an interaction of genetic, biological, behavioral, social, economic, and cultural factors.

Each individual gains and loses weight for different reasons, and a “one-size-fits-all” nutrition approach is unlikely to be successful. Harbin Clinic Weight Management is here to help you adopt a plan and experience the emotional and physical health benefits of weight loss and high-quality nutrition.

Reduce Stress

Over 75% of adults in the US report experiencing moderate to high-stress levels. Stress is not always bad but can be a reaction to a short-lived situation such as a traffic jam or long-term concerns like financial issues, the death of a loved one or other serious circumstances. Stress is concerning when it interferes with your ability to live a normal life or affects your physical health. The providers at Harbin Clinic Psychology are committed to helping patients and the community better understand mental health and build emotional resilience.

Do you have other goals?

We’ve just highlighted a few common resolutions that partner with our many specialties offered, but you may have other goals we can help support. Talk with your primary care provider about what you’re hoping to accomplish this year, so we can point you in the right direction. Are you hoping to travel more this year? We’ve got your travel medicine needs in the bag. Or maybe you are resolving to take better care of the largest organ in your body this year – your skin! At Harbin Clinic Dermatology, we’re ready to help you better understand your unique skin care needs and navigate the list of vitamins, minerals, etc. necessary for quality skin care.

Happy New Year! It has been a pleasure to serve you in 2023, and for 2024, our New Year’s resolution is to help you achieve yours.

Published January 2, 2024

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