Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month: Don’t Be Clueless!

Think you’re too young for a colonoscopy? As if! If you remember doing the Macarena at prom, waiting for dial-up internet, and seeing Titanic in theaters with your high school sweetheart, don’t be clueless – it’s time to schedule a colonoscopy.
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and we are taking it back to the ‘90s to raise awareness on the power of preventative colorectal screenings. If you’re turning 45 this year, stop chillin’ like a villain — you’ve reached the recommended colonoscopy screening age.
Why do our physicians emphasize the importance of colon cancer awareness?
Colorectal cancer, while preventable, is common and serious.
- High Survival Rates with Early Detection: The colorectal cancer 5-year survival rate is 90%. Colorectal cancer screenings, including colonoscopies, are essential in early detection and prevention.
- 2nd Most Common Cause: According to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of US cancer-related deaths when accounting for both men and women.
- More than 53,000 deaths: It’s expected that colorectal cancer will be the cause of death for approximately 53,000 Americans this year.
When discovered in early stages, colorectal cancer is one of the easier cancers to detect and treat. The expert physicians at Harbin Clinic Gastroenterology Endoscopy and GI Lab use the most innovative and cutting-edge screening technologies for detecting colorectal cancer, including colonoscopy. Talk with your physician about which options are right for you.
A colonoscopy is a routine procedure that identifies tumors, ulcers, inflammation, bleeding and other intestinal issues. Using a thin, flexible tube, colonoscopies allow physicians to view the length and inner lining of the large intestine, including the colon and rectum. This form of screening detects colon polyps, or abnormal growths of tissue, which can turn cancerous. Many polyps can be removed during a routine colonoscopy, preventing colon cancer from developing.
The American Cancer Society reports that 1 in 3 Americans are not up to date with colorectal cancer screenings, and the number of people diagnosed under the age of 50 is rapidly increasing.
RISK: Many lifestyle and family history factors have been linked to colorectal cancer, such as:
- Age – The risk of colon cancer increases with age and is more common after age 45.
- Alcohol – Moderate to heavy alcohol use has been linked to colon cancer. Limiting alcoholic drinks to 1 to 2 a day may have many health benefits and decrease your risk of cancer.
- Nutrition – Diet that’s high in red and processed meats may raise your risk of developing colon cancer.
- Family history – Approximately 1 in 3 people diagnosed with colon cancer have a family history of the disease.
- Obesity – The risk of developing or dying from colon cancer is much higher for those that are overweight or obese.
- Personal history – Having previous adenomatous polyps increases your risk of developing colon cancer again, even if it was completely removed the first time.
- Physical inactivity – A lack of physical activity increases your chance of developing colon cancer. Increasing your physical exercise can help lower your risk.
- Smoking – The use of tobacco products increases the chance of developing and dying from colon cancer.
It’s so fly to get screened this March! Talk with your primary care physician to discuss when you should be screened. For more information, visit Harbin Clinic Gastroenterology at